One of the most important and basic concepts in beneficiation plant is metallurgical efficiency. Two terms are commonly used to describe the efficiency of metallurgical processes: recovery and grade . These phenomena are illustrated in the generalized process presented in Figure 1. In above example, 100 tph of ore are being fed into a concentration operation that produces 4.5 tph of concentrate and 95.5 tph of tailings. In upgrading this process, then, 1.0 tph of the desired material, A, is introduced into the unit operation and 0.9 tph (4.5 × 0.2) of this material reports to the concentrate, resulting in 90% recovery (0.9/1.0 × 100). The grade of the mineral, A, has been improved from 1% to 20%. The term percent recovery refers to the percentage of the valuable material reporting to the concentrate with reference to the amount of this material in the feed. Note that obtaining the highest possible recovery is not necessarily the best approach in a concentration process. High...