Centrifugal separators

Sinonine think that centrifugal separator is an important gravity equipment in beneficiation plant. Heavy medium cyclone is a centrifugal separator similar to the conventional hydrocyclone in principle of operation. It provides a high centrifugal force and a low viscosity of the medium. Much finer separations are achieved in Heavy medium cyclone than in gravity separators. The ore or coal is suspended in a very fine medium of ferrosilicon or magnetite, and is fed tangentially to the Heavy medium cyclone under pressure.
The sink product leaves the cyclone at the apex and the float product is discharged through the vortex finder. These cyclones are commonly installed with axes at 10–15° to the horizontal, thereby enabling the unit to be fed at comparatively low inlet pressure, preferably from a steady head tank. Heavy medium cyclones are widely used for beneficiation of coal in the size range of 13–0.5 mm in coal washeries.

By giving a special shape to the cone, and to the cylindrical part of the cyclone, it is possible to affect separation without using heavy medium. Such a cyclone is known as water-only cyclone or water washing cyclone. Vorsyl separator, LARCODEMS, Dyna Whirlpool and Tri-Flo separator are some other centrifugal separators.

Chance cone separator.

sinonine can also provide sand washing plant epc.



Mineral processing unit operation and examples