Mineral magnetic separators
The machines used for magnetic separation are
called magnetic separators. The principle operation of a magnetic separator is:
When a stream of ore particles is continuously
passed through a field of magneticforce, the magnetic particles are attracted
towards the source of magnetic force while the non-magnetics travel unaffected.
Magnetic separation, in an industry, is achieved by
simultaneously applying a magnetic force on all particles of an ore which acts
on magnetic particles and a combination of forces which acts in a different
direction and affects both magnetic and nonmagnetic particles. The most
commonly applied nonmagnetic forces are gravitational, centrifugal, and fluid
drag. Other forces which usually enter in an incidental manner are frictional,
inertial and attractive or repulsive inter-particle forces.
These forces depend on both the nature of the feed
material and the character of the separator. The nature of the feed material
includes its size distribution, magnetic susceptibility and other physical and
chemical properties that may effects the various forces involved.
Magnets used in magnetic separators are of two
types; Permanent magnets and Electromagnets. Permanent magnets are magnetized steel
bars which retain magnetism indefinitely. Special-permanent magnet alloys
produce a magnetic field at a constant level indefinitely after initial
charging. The newer ceramic permanent magnets in the form of barium and
strontium ferrites, and rare-earth-cobalt permanent magnet alloys are also
being in use. Bars of soft wrought iron, soft steel or cast iron are magnetized
by electric currents through the insulated copper or aluminum wire windings
around the iron bars. These iron bars form electromagnets as long as the
current flows through the windings.
Magnetic separators, can be classified into two
groups based on their function:
1 Tramp
iron magnetic separators are those used to remove tramp iron and protect
the handling and processing equipment.
2 Concentrators
are those used to separate the bulk of magnetic materials from a stream
of ore. Magnetic separators that are used to remove small quantities of
deleterious magnetic material from a product (e.g. from china clay) are termed
as purifiers. The concentrators
that remove magnetic material from a product and return to the process are
termed as reclaimers (e.g.
separation of medium particles such as magnetite, ferrosilicon etc. in Heavy
Medium Separation process).
These magnetic separators are classified into dry
and wet separators which may further classified into low- and high-intensity
separators. Wet separators are generally used for the particles of below 0.5 cm
1 Tramp iron magnetic separators
Iron coarser than 3 mm is usually called tramp
iron. Most commonly applied magnetic separators for removing tramp iron are
suspended magnets, magnetic pulleys, and grate magnets. Suspended magnets are
fixed position electromagnets of rectangular shape and installed over a
conveyor belt or head pulley (Figure1). Tramp iron attracted by the magnet is
periodically removed. Cross-belt models (Figure 1) are used when the continuous
removal of tramp iron is required. In a magnetic pulley, magnets are located
within the head pulley of a belt conveyor (Figure 5). The tramp iron is
attracted by the magnetic pulley and carried to distant place and discharged
when the material comes out of magnetic field while the required material is
discharged at the same place. Grate magnet consists of a series of magnetized
bars (Figure1) and is used to remove fine iron as well as tramp iron. Feed is
usually vertical through the grate. These magnets must be periodically cleaned.
Figure 1 Tramp iron magnetic separators
2 Concentrators
These magnetic separators are classified into dry
and wet separators which may further classified into low- and high-intensity
separators. Wet separators are generally used for the particles of below 0.5 cm
2.1 Dry magnetic
Drum separators are common low-intensity dry
magnetic separators. These are applied in concentration and purification where
magnetic particles to be removed are large in size and the magnetic
responsiveness of the magnetic particles is high. This operation of picking up
strongly magnetic particles at a coarser size is called cobbing operation. Drum separators consist of a rotating
non-magnetic drum containing either permanent or electromagnets. Magnetic
particles are attracted by the magnets, pinned to the drum, conveyed out of the
field and discharged while the nonmagnetic particles are discharged unaffected.
The magnetic drum is normally fed at the top vertical center, but, with
appropriate magnet positioning, it can be fed at any convenient point or even
front-fed or underfed (Figure1). Magnetic drum is also used for tramp iron removal.
Magnetic head pulley and grate magnet used for tramp iron removal are also used
as concentrators. Grate magnet is especially useful for purification of the
product when it contains small amounts of unwanted magnetic particles.
Drum separators are common low-intensity dry
magnetic separators. These are applied in concentration and purification where
magnetic particles to be removed are large in size and the magnetic
responsiveness of the magnetic particles is high. This operation of picking up
strongly magnetic particles at a coarser size is called cobbing operation. Drum separators consist of a rotating
non-magnetic drum containing either permanent or electromagnets. Magnetic
particles are attracted by the magnets, pinned to the drum, conveyed out of the
field and discharged while the nonmagnetic particles are discharged unaffected.
The magnetic drum is normally fed at the top vertical center, but, with
appropriate magnet positioning, it can be fed at any convenient point or even
front-fed or underfed (Figure2).
Figure2 Dry magnetic drum separators
Magnetic drum is also used for tramp iron removal.
Magnetic head pulley and grate magnet used for tramp iron removal are also used
as concentrators. Grate magnet is especially useful for purification of the
product when it contains small amounts of unwanted magnetic particles.
Induced roll separator and cross-belt separator are
the two high intensity dry magnetic separators. Induced roll separator (Figure3) consists of a horseshoe magnet
faced by an iron bridge bar or keeper and of two rolls, one opposite each pole.
The magnetic circuit is completely in iron except for the very small clearance
between the rolls and the bridge bar and for the gaps between the rolls and
primary poles of horseshoe magnet. The rolls consist of alternate laminae of
permeable and impermeable material with a serrated profile and produce the high
field intensity and gradient required. The field strengths of up to 2.27 T are
attainable in the gap between feed pole and roll. Non-magnetic particles are
thrown off the roll into the tailings compartment, whereas magnetics are
gripped, carried out of the influence of the field and discharged. The gap
between the feed pole and rotor is decreased from pole to pole successively to
separate weaker magnetic products.
Cross-belt separator consists
of two or more horseshoe electromagnets arranged with poles of opposite sign in
apposition, one electromagnet being below and the other above the feed belt.
The poles of the upper magnets are wedge-shaped while the lower poles are flat.
This concentrates the field and attracts the paramagnetic minerals toward the
wedge-shaped poles. Dry material is fed in a uniform layer on to the conveyor
belt and is carried between the poles. The cross-belt prevents the magnetic
particles from adhering to the poles and carries them out of the field. Disc separator is the modification of
the cross belt separator wherein discs revolve above a conveyor belt and are
magnetized by induction from powerful stationary electromagnets placed below
the belt. A disc separator permits a much smaller air gap and provides a
greater degree of selectivity in separating the minerals differing in their
magnetic susceptibility slightly.
Figure3 Induced
roll magnetic separator.
2.2 Wet magnetic
Drum separators are most common low-intensity wet
magnetic separators. They consist of a rotating non-magnetic drum containing
three to six stationary magnets, either permanent or electromagnets, of
alternating polarity. Magnetic particles are lifted by the magnets and pinned
to the drum and are conveyed out of the field leaving the gangue particles.
Water is introduced into the machine to provide a current which keeps the pulp
in suspension. Three types of drum separators namely concurrent type, counter-rotation
type and counter-current type
(Figure 4) are in use. Concurrent type separators are used when clean
concentrate is required from relatively coarse material such as heavy medium
recovery systems. Counter-rotation type separators are used in the roughing
operation of larger tonnages. Counter-current type separators are designed for
finishing operation on relatively fine material.
Figure.4 Low-intensity
wet drum magnetic separators.
The Readings are wet high intensity magnetic
separators (WHIMS). The unit (Figure5) consists of a rotating carousel, which
has vertically inclined salient plates through which feed slurry is passed. As
the carousel rotates, it passes through fields of magnetic influence generated
by surrounding electromagnets, followed by fields of no magnetic influence. The
magnetic grains are initially held up in the plates while the non magnetic
grains are washed through into a launder below. When the plates are in the non
magnetic field the magnetic grains are washed off into a separate launder
Figure 5 Wet high-intensity
magnetic separator
In order to attract and hold paramagnetic
particles, both high magnetic field and a high field gradient are required.
These high gradient magnetic separators (HGMS) produce field strength of about
2 T. In HGMS, the slurry is passed through a container where it is subjected to
a high-intensity, high gradient magnetic field. The container is packed with a capture matrix made of stainless steel
wool. In the presence of magnetic field, paramagnetic particles become
magnetized and are trapped in the matrix while the unaffected non-magnetic
particles pass through the container. When the matrix is loaded to its magnetic
capacity, the slurry feed is stopped and the electric power is cut off. The
matrix is then backwashed to remove magnetic particles. Afterwards, the feed
and the power are resumed and the entire process is repeated. In the continuous
separator, the capture matrix is a continuous, segmented metal belt. The slurry
is introduced while capture matrix passes through the magnetic section of the
separator. The magnetized particles are trapped in the capture matrix. The belt
then travels in to the washing section to wash magnetic particles trapped on
the belt. The cleaned belt section then returns for the entire process to be