Mineral processing-Electrical separation

If an ore contains conducting as well as non-conducting minerals/particles, electrostatic separation or high tension separation can be employed. Theoretically, it is not necessary that one of two minerals should be a good conductor and the other be a poor conductor, but the difference in their conductivity will affect the separation.
The basis of any electrostatic separation is the interaction between an external electric field and the electric charges acquired by the various particles. Particles can be charged by:
1 Contacting dissimilar particles.
2 Conductive induction.
3 Ion bombardment.
In every separation, two or more charging mechanisms occur.
In charging by contacting dissimilar particles, particles placed on surface are made to repeatedly contact one another as well as the surface; the surface will acquire electrons from one type of particles and give electrons to another type so that two types of particles are charged with opposite charges. When they are passed through an electrostatic separator consisting of two conducting plates across which a high voltage is applied, positively charged particles are attracted towards a negative plate and negatively charged particles are attracted towards a positive plate. This mechanism is utilized in free fall electrostatic separators. However, this is not the major mechanism in any of the electrostatic separators.
In charging by conductive induction, the particles are placed on a ground conductor in the presence of an electric field. Then the particles will rapidly develop a surface charge by induction. Both conducting and non-conducting particles will become polarized, but conducting particles will have an equi-potential surface through its contact with the grounded conductor. The non-conducting particle will remain polarized.
In charging by ion bombardment, corona discharge is obtained by appropriate shaping of the electrodes. Corona discharge is an electrical discharge which occurs when one of the two conducting surfaces (such as electrodes) of differing voltages have a pointed shape. A highly concentrated electric field, set up at the tip of the pointed
shape electrode, ionizes the air (or other gas) around it. These ions charge the particles by bombardment when the mineral particles are caused to pass within the corona. For the discharge to a large diameter cylindrical surface, a fine wire parallel to the cylinder gives the optimum corona discharge.
The attraction of particles carrying one kind of charge (positive or negative) towards an electrode of the opposite charge is known as lifting effect as the particles are lifted towards the charged electrode. Mineral particles having a tendency to become charged with a definite polarity may be separated from each other by the use of lifting effect even though their conductivities may be very similar. For example, quartz is readily negatively charged and can be separated from other non-conductors by using an electrode carrying a positive charge. However, pure electrostatic separation (pure lifting effect) is relatively inefficient.

The other effect which makes the electrostatic separation more effective is the pinning effect. Here, non- conducting mineral particles, having received a surface charge from the electrode, retain this charge and are pinned to the earthed surface due to the attraction between the charged non-conducting particle and the grounded surface.
In an electrostatic separator (Figure 1), a large single electrode produces a strong electric field. When a particle is placed on the grounded rotor in the region of the electrostatic field influence, the particle rapidly develops a surface charge by induction. Whether the particle is a conductor or non-conductor, it will be polarized. However, a conducting particle rapidly becomes an equi-potential surface and has the same potential as the ground rotor. Therefore it is attracted towards the electrode, drawn away from the surface, and falls by gravity. The non-conducting particle continues to adhere to the rotor until it falls by gravity.

Figure 1. Electrostatic separator

In a high tension separator (Figure 2), the mixture of ore minerals is fed on to a grounded rotor into the field of a charged ionizing electrode. The electrode assembly, consists of a lengthy fine wire supported by a brass tube, is supplied with DC supply of negative polarity. Then the ionization of air takes place which can be seen as corona discharge. This gives a high surface charge to the poor conducting mineral particles. These particles are attracted and pinned to the rotor. High conducting mineral particles are not charged as the charge is dissipated through the particles to the earthed rotor. Then they come under the influence of the electrostatic field of the nonionizing electrode and are attracted (by the lifting effect) from the rotor surface. They are discharged away from the rotor. The charge of poor conducting mineral particles is slowly lost as the rotor rotates and the particles drop from the rotor as middlings or non-conductor product according to the intensity of the surface charge. Thus a combined effect of pinning and lifting is experienced in high tension separators. These separators operate on feeds of 60 to 500 microns size.

Figure 2. High tension separator

Since almost all minerals show some difference in conductivity, electrostatic separation is the universal concentrating method. It is widely used in beach sand beneficiation. The feed to electrostatic separation must be perfectly dry. For efficient operation, the feed should be in a layer, one particle deep, which severely restricts the throughput. Electrostatic separation is applicable to a limited size range, normally 20 mesh to 250 mesh. As complete separation is not likely to be obtained in a single pass electrostatic separator, it is usual practice to re-pass separated fractions through other separators as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Multi-pass electrostatic separator
Note: E - Discharge Electrodes
In Dielectric separation, ore consists of minerals of various dielectric constants is suspended in a non-conducting fluid whose dielectric constant is intermediate between that of two groups of minerals and a converging electric field is set up within the suspension. Then the particles having dielectric constant higher than the fluid travel in the direction of most rapid increase in electric field and the particles having dielectric constant lower than the fluid travel in the opposite direction. The dielectric separation process is applicable to particles finer than 60-mesh and is used as a research tool for study of minerals. It has no industrial application.
sinonine can also provide sand washing plant epc.



Mineral processing unit operation and examples