Heavy Media Separation
beneficiation plant , as a important way of gravity separation, Heavy media
separation (HMS) has been used industrially to
a finished concentrate and a rejectable waste in one operation
a relatively coarse waste leaving an enriched product ready for further
processing (a step that can greatly reduce expensive grinding costs)
a finished concentrate and a lower-grade product ready for further processing
two finished products of differing composition
HMS is used for the first two of these functions—the first for coal, the second
for ores.
The most
successful way to achieve a float–sink separation has been to use a quasi-stable suspension
of a solid that is appreciably heavier than the mineral to be floated. Various
solids have been employed to make an aqueous heavy media suspension (Table 1).
Silica sand in an inverted conical
vessel is
used in the Chance Cone system,. Because this suspension is relatively unstable,
particular care must be used to keep the sand in suspension. The sand is
separated from the coal and refuse by water sprays and screening. Although this
process is not used in newer plants, several Chance Cone plants still exist
today. Barite finely ground to facilitate suspension stability was formerly
used in a few plants. Loess in a hydrocyclone
separatory vessel has been used to separate coal from refuse. Today, finely
ground magnetite is the medium of choice for coal cleaning. Its fine particle
size gives good suspension stability, and its excellent magnetic properties greatly
facilitate its removal from the separated products.
such as those of the base metals of copper, lead, and zinc, were first
separated from their associated gangue minerals using a readily available
galena (ρ = 7.5) flotation concentrate (–65 mesh) as the heavy medium. Galena has been largely supplanted by 15%
Si-ferrosilicon (ρ = 6.8), easily made
in an
electric furnace. The cold-furnace product is ground to about –65 mesh, or, for higher gravity
separations, the molten metal is steam shotted to produce spherical particles.
It is strongly ferromagnetic. An idiosyncracy of magnetite and ferrosilicon is
the variation in the size consist of these media, because
(either ground or shotted) contains only a small proportion of fines. For
example, a nominal –65-mesh (–208-μm) ground magnetite may contain about half –325-mesh (–44-μm) material, whereas a ground
ferrosilicon of the same nominal top size will contain only about a quarter –325-mesh material. At –10 μm, ground magnetite may contain 20%
or more fines, whereas ferrosilicon will contain only about 5% fines. The finer
the size consist, the more stable the suspension.
A typical
flowsheet for the treatment of coal or ore in a magnetic medium is given as
Figure 1.
principal features of this process are
of feed
in heavy medium
of medium from products
and recycle of medium
Typical heavy media flowsheet
Preparation of Feed.
Raw coal
or ore feed is typically prepared by wet screening (Figure 1). The purpose is
twofold: to prepare a feed size range that is compatible with the separatory
vessel to be used and to remove fine particles that would otherwise contaminate
the medium suspension and thereby lower its specific gravity and increase its
in a Heavy Medium
variety of separatory vessels has been used for HMS: inverted
cones and pyramids, Akins spiral classifiers, trough-type vessels (also called
drag tanks) (Figure 2), rotating drums (Figure 3), and hydrocyclones. The choice of the vessel is related to the nature of
the feed to be treated, the medium and its inherent stability at the suspension
specific gravity to be used, and, to some extent, the wishes of the plant
operators and design engineers. Generally, the coarsest fractions, such as 51/2 in. (127–12.7 mm), are treated in a pseudostatic bath in a drag
tank or in a drum vessel. The capacity of heavy mediaessels
that treat coarse materials is highly variable and depends on the vessel type
and size, the nature and size of the feed, and the amount of float or sink products
to be removed. Cone vessels can handle up to 300 tph, whereas drums and trough
or drag tank vessels can treat tonnages as high as 700–800 tph. Very small tonnages can be
treated in small, commercially available vessels.
The heavy
media hydrocyclone usually treats particles in the size range 38 mm–0.5 mm (11/2 in.–1/50 in.), although
under certain conditions it can treat material as fine as 100 mesh (150 μm).
Coal preparation plants, especially, will commonly have both a heavy media drag
tank and hydrocyclone separating vessels. A heavy media hydrocyclone is similar
in design to a classifying hydrocyclone, and it can also process large volumes.
A 26-in. (660-mm) diameter cyclone can accommodate upward of 2,000 gpm (about
7,600 L/min) while treating 135 mtph coal (Table 2). The heavy media cyclone is
usually installed at an angle of about 20° from the horizontal. This angle
allows the sink and the float products to be discharged at roughly the same
elevation, and thus it allows the product drain and rinse screens to be
installed at the same level in the plant. A similar device is the cylindrical
Dynawhirlpool Separator (. It is used much less frequently than the heavy media
of Medium from Products
The bulk
of the medium is removed from the float and the sink products on separate
wedge-wire vibrating screens of about 35 mesh. The first part of the screen,
which has its own sump underneath, is called the drain section. Medium removed
here is still at the separation specific gravity and is returned to the
separatory vessel. The second section, which contains overhead sprays, removes
any remaining medium still clinging to the particles. It is placed directly
over a dilute-medium sump, and the medium is recovered from the bulk of the
water and from undersize float–sink particles by magnetic separation.
and Recycle of Medium.
two stages of wet magnetic drum separation are used to ensure nearly complete
capture of the magnetite or ferrosilicon. As initially developed, the magnetic separators were preceded by a
magnetizing coil to help flocculate the medium for easy settling and
thickening. Currently, the magnetizing coil is commonly omitted. The thickener is also sometimes omitted,
but it is more commonly retained not only to eliminate water but also to store
medium during a plant shutdown or upset. A simple, annular alternating-current
step coil surrounds the exit pipe that carries medium coming from magnetite
separation. The coil facilitates deaggregation of the medium particles, as does
shear during pumping. For ores, which require media of much higher specific
gravity (2.6–3.85), a spiral classifier or similar device is used to thicken the medium
after magnetic separation. For coal, which is cleaned in a much lower
specific-gravity (about 1.5) suspension, this step is invariably omitted. Loss
of medium during processing is generally in the range of 0.1–0.5 kg/t treated.
sinonine can also provide sand washing plant epc.
sinonine can also provide sand washing plant epc.