In beneficiation plant, High
magnetic fields (up to 2 tesla) are generated by passing current through a
resistive coil or by permanent magnets. The development, through the use of
finite element analysis techniques, of newer computer models has helped to achieve
higher magnetic force. However, there is a logical maximum magnetic field for
both the resistive coil and permanent magnet. Resistive coils are limited by
the intrinsic resistance applied by the windings; the field strength of
existing permanent magnets can be increased only marginally by modifying the
magnet geometry. In the future, new magnetic materials may help to overcome
this limitation.
superconducting magnets are the only economically and technically viable way to
achieve field strengths as high as 5 tesla. Fundamental requirements of
superconducting magnets are a suitable conductor and a cryogenic system. During
the last decade, extensive research in material science has resulted in new
alloys that are suitable candidates for superconducting magnets. Because of its
reliability and favorable economics, a niobium and titanium alloy is the most
suitable for low-temperature (about 4 K) industrial applications.
High-temperature (about 20–30 K) superconducting magnetic separators have yet to be
cryogenic system is the most expensive component of the superconducting magnet,
and it determines the economic viability and practicality of these machines. To
date, three cryogenic systems have been successfully applied.
Liquefier System. In a closed-cycle liquefier system, the superconductor resides in a bath
of liquid helium, and boil-off gas is recirculated through a helium liquefier.
Although the installation of such a system is quite complex, its performance
has been good and reliable, provided there are no long-term interruptions in
the supply of electrical power and cooling water.
System. In a low-loss
system the superconductor windings reside in a reservoir of liquid helium. A
very efficient insulation system enables the magnet to operate for long
periods, typically 1 year or more, between liquid helium refills. The salient
feature of this system is its relative immunity to shortterm electrical
failures. This feature has allowed this technology to be used where equipment
is operated under difficult conditions.
Cooling. The advent of
heat engines based on the Gifford McMahon cycle, which generate temperatures of
4 K or less, has made it possible to cool superconducting windings without the
need for liquid helium. This technique offers great potential for small-scale
systems in which the economics of helium supply or the cost of a liquefier
cannot be justified. However, a constant power supply is essential for reliable
summary, the superconducting magnets have two main advantages:
_ Low power consumption resulting from zero resistance of the magnet winding
_ Generation of much higher magnetic fields
Super conducting High-gradient WetMagnetic Separator (HGMS)
In an
HGMS, the magnetic particles are captured on a stainless steel–wool matrix contained within the bore
of a high-intensity magnet. The high intensity is generated using a
superconducting coil. Because these coils have essentially zero resistance,
little electrical power is required to energize the magnet. Furthermore, once
the magnet is energized, the coil ends can be shorted, leaving the magnet in a
fully energized state without any additional power supply. This practice is
called operating the magnets in persistent mode. Unloading the trapped magnetic
particles from the matrix is an essential step that determines the separation
efficiency and the capacity of the unit operation. The demagnetization is achieved
either by de-energizing the magnet (a state commonly referred to as switch-mode)
or by moving the matrix canister (referred to as a reciprocating canister
HGMS). In reciprocating technology, captured magnetic particles are flushed
using a ram to remove the trapping zone from the magnetic field regions. The
ram operates on a magnetically balanced canister that houses a multisection
separation region with unique and separate trapping zones (Figure 1). Units
that combine reciprocating canister technology and a low-loss cryogenic system
have been used in kaolin processing throughout the world. Figure 2 shows the
installation of a typical large-scale reciprocating canister HGMS.
Superconducting Open-gradient DryMagnetic Separator (OGMS)
In a
conventional OGMS, the magnet structure is arranged to provide a region in open
space with a highly divergent field. Thus, the magnet geometry supplies both
the magnetic field and the field gradient. Any paramagnetic material passing
through this region will experience a force directly proportional to the field
intensity and the magnitude of the field gradient. However, a superconducting OGMS
offers not only higher magnetic force but also a deeper magnetic field, which
in turn translates to larger separation volume than that obtained by
conventional electromagnets and permanent magnets
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