FILTRATION MACHINE- Continuous Filters
beneficiation plant, filtration machine can be divided into three modes:
continuous, batch and semicontinuous, and clarifying. Each of these modes can
be further subdivided. The discussion that follows is limited to those units
with significant application in mineral and coal processing.
Continuous Filters
filters may be divided into those forming their filter cake against gravity and
those forming their filter cake with gravity.
Forming Cake Against Gravity. Disk and drum filters all form cake against gravity. The latter can be
further divided into scraper discharge, roller discharge, and continuous-belt
drum filters.
disk-type filter contains a series of individual disks mounted on a center barrel.
The barrel is held in trunion bearings mounted on either end of the filter
tank. The disks are partially submerged in the feed slurry to a standard
apparent submergence of about 35%. A higher submergence would require stuffing
boxes around the center barrel, a procedure that is very seldom used because of
the large diameter required of the stuffing boxes and the abrasiveness of the
solids generally processed.
Each disk
is divided into 8 to 12 pie-shaped disk sectors depending on the disk diameter.
A filter bag covers the sectors’ filtration area, and filtration occurs on both
sides of the disk sector. Each sector is held in by radial rods between sectors
that attach to the center barrel. A bag clamp that covers half of the end of
the adjacent sectors holds the sector in place after a nut is applied to the
end of the radial rod. At the narrow end of the sector, a pipe outlet connects
to the ferrule socket with proper gasketing, and it delivers filtrate and air
pulled through the cake to a port within the center barrel. The number of port
filtrate channel equals the number of sectors per disk. The filter bag is tied
around the filtrate outlet of the sector and nailed, stapled, or clamped to the
top of the sector. Channels within the center barrel end in a wear plate (which
attaches to the pipe plate) with the port openings in a circle. A stationary
face of the filter valve is held to the rotating wear plate by a centering pin.
Figure 1 is an exploded view of a typical valve. The stationary valve portion has
a bridge ring so that bridge blocks can be inserted to separate the various
phases of the filter cycle. For example, a bridge block whose width covers the
port width would be placed before and after that portion of the filter cycle
when compressed air is blown through the ports, sector, and filter media to
dislodge the cake. A scraper blade also assists in the cake discharge by riding
on either side of the disk. By pivoting the blade in the rear of the sector and
hanging the front end so that the shoe rides on the periphery of either side of
the disk, the blade can be automatically separated from the face of the sector
by 1/4–3/8 in. and thereby conform to any vertical variation in each
The exit
from the stationary filter valve face (normally one large or two smaller exits)
connects to a cylindrical receiver. Here the liquid filtrate separates from the
gas pulled through the cake, and the overhead line connects to the vacuum pump.
Thus the pressure differential of the vacuum pump provides the driving force
for filtration. The filtrate is either pumped from the receiver or discharged
from a vertical barometric leg, which is usually at least 5 ft higher than the
maximum vacuum that can be applied (measured in feet of water).
The cake
is discharged by a blow-back of compressed air through the valve, port, sector,
and filter media. A steady low-pressure blow of 3–5 psig, which continues until the
trailing edge of the sector passes the scraper blade, is commonly used. Higher
pressure blows of 10–30 psig use a solenoid valve triggered by a cam rider on the trunion. A
full blow for only a very few seconds tends to shock the cake from the
filtering surface. In this way, the filter cloth is not inflated when it passes
the scraper blade.
The cake
is discharged by a blow-back of compressed air through the valve, port, sector,
and filter media. A steady low-pressure blow of 3–5 psig, which continues until the
trailing edge of the sector passes the scraper blade, is commonly used. Higher
pressure blows of 10–30 psig use a solenoid valve triggered by a cam rider on the trunion. A
full blow for only a very few seconds tends to shock the cake from the
filtering surface. In this way, the filter
cloth is not inflated when it passes the scraper blade.
the disk is applied to high-permeability filter cakes, the filtration rate is
generally high 25–700 lb of dry solids/h/ft2 of filtration
area. Therefore, particles are generally coarser than normal and must be
agitated to be kept in suspension. At the base of the filter tank, a shaft with
paddles between each disk and on either end maintains the solids in suspension.
The shaft has outboard bearings and drive, and it usually runs between 60–120 rpm.
The cake
discharges into chutes between each disk and on each end to a belt conveyor on
the lower floor.
The drum
filter consists of a cylinder with peripheral sections parallel to the central
axis. Each section is connected by tubing to the pipe plate, as in the disk
filter, and a wear plate matches the tube diameters and location. A filter
disk, normally of plastic grids of polyethylene or polypropylene, is contained
between the wings of the leading and trailing division strips. The filter cloth
is caulked into each division strip so that each section can be isolated from
the adjacent ones by appropriate bridge blocks in the valve. Either a caulking
groove or a flat strip is applied on both drum ends for sealing this portion of
the filter cloth.
method of applying the filter cloth to the drum is by wire winding. In this
method a caulking rope or elastomer is inserted in each division strip so that
the edge protrudes through the caulking grove. Thus by wire winding the cloth
over these seals, the section can be isolated from adjacent ones as required
during each revolution. Wire winding is normally spaced at 1/2–2-in. intervals, and stainless-steel wire is most commonly used. In both
systems, the edges of either drum end are sealed with wire winding or plastic
connections to the leading and trailing edges of a section are normally joined
to a single manifold pipe that in turn connects to the wear plate. The size and
number of leading and trailing edge connections should cause the minimum
hydraulic restrictions. Pressure drop at maximum flow should not exceed 2 in.
of mercury between the filter media and the suction side of the vacuum pump. If
high temperatures and vacuum levels cause the filtrate to flash, resulting in
two-phase flow, the pressure drop is even more important in designing the
filter drainage network.
The type
of drum filter is determined by the way in which cake is discharged. The most
common types in the mineral industry are scraper discharge, roller discharge,
and continuous belt.
In a
scraper discharge drum filter (Figure 2), the cake is removed by a scraper
blade, which is assisted by a blow-back of pressurized air. The scraper blade
should not contact the filter media during blow-back, so a 1/4-in. separation
is usually required. Scraper filters are probably the most commonly used in
continuous service.
second type, a roller discharge drum filter, contains a small-diameter roll
that moves in a direction opposite to that of the drum. Because the roll’s
peripheral speed is normally slightly faster than the drum’s, a pool of cake
forms between the drum and the roll. The surface of the drum is covered at
discharge so that very thin cakes (1/32–1/16 in.) can be
discharged completely. Probably the most common roll is fabricated of a plain
steel or an alloy steel. The cake sticks best to itself, and therefore, a
“heel” about 1 in. deep is plastered onto the roll. The cake stuck to the roll
is then cut off by a knife at 90° or 180° from this point. Figure 3 is a
schematic of a roller discharge system for the filtration of kaolin clay that
has been leached with sulfuric acid to remove iron. The roll has a heel of
clay, and the drum rotates as fast as once every 20 rpm.
system has also been used to treat alumina red mud (bauxite residue after
leaching in caustic solution) and extremely fine tailings. It can discharge
very thin cakes at high drum speeds, and colloids compose 80%–100% of the total suspended solids in
the cakes.
The third
type of drum filter, the continuous-belt drum filter, discharges cake by
continuously removing the cloth (Figure 4). The cloth is carried over a
small-diameter discharge roll where the large difference in the radius of
curvature tends to release the cake from the cloth. A deflector blade completes
the discharge. To maintain a clean and unblinded cloth, spray nozzles can then
be used to wash the cloth on one or both sides. This wash water is collected
separately, and the cloth travels around the wash roll and then around a return
roll to be placed back on the drum to begin the cycle again.
continuous filter can discharge cakes as thin as 1/16–1/8 in., a
thickness that maximizes the filtration rate. Furthermore, maintaining the
cloth free of blinding again increases filtration rate, which is normally 20%–50% higher than that of a scraper
discharge filter. This difference persists when it is measured over the life of
the filter cloth.
of the dimensional instability of textiles, continuous-belt filters must always
control four aspects of filter media alignment at all times: the cloth must be
centered across the face of the drum; one edge must not lead or trail the
other; the center must not lead or trail the edges; and the cloth must be free
of wrinkles.
This type
of filter finds wide application where solids that cause blinding are
encountered or where compounds can chemically precipitate within the filter
cloth. Its higher price per unit area is more than offset by its high capacity
per unit area.
area is measured by the surface area of the drum or π (diameter × length).
Drums are usually 4–12 ft in diameter, at 2-ft increments. A 14-ft–diameter drum would have to be shipped
separately from the filter tank to clear bridges and tunnels and generally
represents the largest size that can be shipped.
widths of 40 ft are the largest used in scraper discharge and roller discharge
drums; widths of 20–24 ft are about the maximum in continuous-belt drum filters.
type of drum filter, the continuous drum precoat filter, is used to produce
clear liquids. The machine employs a drum similar to the ones previously
described, but a microadvance knife cuts off a very thin layer of the precoat
bed on each revolution, normally 0.0015–0.006 in. per revolution. The precoat
bed consists of diatomaceous earth (fossil remains of diatoms), expanded
perlite, or other precoat material that will filter out the usually very fine
particles that must be removed from the liquid.
precoat bed is applied by filtering it on the filter media to a thickness of 3–6 in., depending on the application and
the filter design. The feed is then applied to the tank and the precoat knife
cut and the filter cycle time adjusted to the optimum value for the feed. The
normal precoat cut will be about 0.003 in. per revolution. The solids filtered
out must be cut off during each revolution; otherwise, the bed may blind. If
penetration is too great, it will be more economical to use a “tighter” grade
of precoat material.
After the
precoat thickness is shaved down to approximately 1/4 in., the knife is retracted, the bed is
sliced off, and the process is repeated.
Feeds for
this type of filter are normally less than 5 wt% suspended solids, and, in most
cases, less than 2 wt% suspended solids. The unit finds its widest application
in such areas as hydrometallurgy, where a clear filtrate must be produced.
Thus, it would be used on gravitational thickener overflows or continuous
filter filtrates. It is the only continuous filter that produces a clear
Forming a Cake with Gravity. The scroll discharge horizontal table filter and the continuous
belt filter are filters that form a cake with gravity. The former consists of a
circular disk with filter media on the top side. The table is divided into
pie-shaped sections, and a gridwork supports the filter media in each section.
The filtration area is calculated as the annular area between the outside and
inside diameters.
At the
discharge point a scroll cuts off the cake and drops it over the side to a
conveyor belt or other type of transfer unit. At the inner radius of the
section, the filtrate pipe connects to the wear plate of the filter valve. The
valve is mounted underneath the filter in the center and the outlets point
downward. Otherwise, the valve is similar to a drum and disk filter valve.
of the scroll discharge, a heel of cake must be left on the filter because
otherwise the filter media would wear rapidly. Normally, the heel is 1/2–3/4 in. thick. The cake can be reoriented by blowing
back with
compressed air during the initial portion of the feed phase of the filter cycle
to retard blinding.
filter cake can also be washed to recover soluble constituents of interest.
Although the drum filter can be washed only by a single stage, a countercurrent
wash can be employed on this unit. Thus the wash fluid is applied first to the
last wash, and this filtrate is used as wash for the preceding stage. Two
stages usually suffice, but three have been used.
This type
of filter has been used to treat granular solids with a high cake permeability,
such as certain crystalline solids, particularly coarser ones whose solids
should be washed to remove impurities or to recover brines or dissolved
valuable salts. Sand or other granular solids of 20–100 mesh size are also dewatered on
this type of machine because high solids capacities and low moistures can be
horizontal belt filter was developed to permit washing of the cloth and thus to
prevent blinding similar to that common in the continuous-belt drum filter. At
the same time, it is possible to use any number of countercurrent washes on the
individual machine as long as they are incorporated into the design.
Figure 5
is a schematic of a continuous horizontal belt filter that illustrates major
construction features. Two large-diameter major pulleys are employed and a
special grooved endless elastomer belt rides over the pulleys. The head pulley
(cake discharge end) is driven and normally the molded belt has a full-length
rib that is accommodated by a circumferential slot in each of the
rubber-covered pulleys. The drainage grooves, which are perpendicular to the
direction of motion of the elastomer belt, are such that the two adjacent
grooves drain to the same circular hole. The hole is drilled through the
elastomer belt and the center line of the rib (more than one drainage hole
across the width may be used, depending on the width of the belt and the
required hydraulics). The belt must incorporate enough plies of fabric to give
it sufficient strength in tension. The belt also employs side flaps or flanges
that contain the feed slurry and wash fluids. Metal deckle sides may be used to
contain feed or wash water, and hoods may be used to contain steam or hot gases
that might be applied for maximum dewatering.
filter media is made of plastic material such as polyethylene, polypropylene,
nylon, or polyvinyl chloride. It rides on top of the elastomer belt and is held
in place by the pressure differential across the cake and the filter cloth. The
media is separated from the rubber belt after the vacuum has been terminated,
and cake is discharged over a small-diameter roll. The roll’s small radius of
curvature at discharge helps separate cake from the filter cloth. The cloth is
then washed to prevent blinding, in a manner similar to that used for the
continuous-belt drum filter, and returned underneath the filter to the head
pulley for a repeat of the cycle.
The cloth
is kept in alignment by control systems such as those used on the
continuous-belt drum filter. In addition, a take-up system for the cloth must
be employed during the return of the cloth underneath the filter to take care
of any stretching or shrinking. The rubber belt is maintained in alignment by
individual takeups on the tail pulley.
rubber belt rides over the vacuum box (or boxes, depending on width or
hydraulic requirements) and a support table. The vacuum box serves as a “valve”
on the filter because a seal must be made between the stationary face of the
vacuum box and the moving face of the elastomer belt. Because of the pressure
across these faces, low-friction surfaces on the vacuum box, such as
fluorocarbon plastics, must be used. These faces can be lubricated by water or
a clear filtrate delivered through pressure lines into the faces. In the case
of heavy cakes or long filters, it is desirable to use a low-pressure fan blowing
into a plenum with entrance ports into the support table under the belt. Dividers
in the vacuum box are used to separate the various filtrates or washes as
desired. If different vacuum levels are employed within the cycle, the dividers
must ride against the belt for a width of one diameter of a drainage hole. The
gas and liquid filtrate are carried by pipes to the appropriate receiver where
the filtrate is separated from the gas. Flexible connectors allow the vacuum
box to be dropped for maintenance. Where scaling occurs, such as in phosphoric
acid manufacture, the vacuum box can be dropped by a gear motor or hand crank
to expose the box for easier descaling. The overhead of the receiver passes to
the vacuum pump to supply the driving force for filtration.
boxes are normally used to keep spray nozzles from plugging; spray headers may
also be used, particularly in single-stage washing or the last stage of
countercurrent washing. As many as five stages of countercurrent washing have
been employed to minimize the consumption of wash fluid. Major advantages of
this filter are
_ It can be employed with as many countercurrent wash stages as desired at a
high wash efficiency.
_ Cloth-washing systems eliminate cloth blinding without diluting the feed.
_ Coarse, fast-settling solids can be filtered because the cake forms with
_ Very high belt speeds of 200 ft/min (61 m/min) or more can be used to
yield very high capacities per unit area.
_ The rectangular structure of the filter and its basic concept use floor
space efficiently, and all auxiliaries can be installed on the same floor as
the filter.
disadvantage is a higher price per unit area because of the rubber covering and
special elastomer belts that must be employed. However, capital costs should be
viewed on bases such as cost per unit of production or improved product