Mineral Processing Flowsheets

In mineral processing plantA general flowsheet involving almost all the unit operations pertinent to mineral processing is shown in Figure 1. The others refer specifically to beach sands, lead zinc mining plant, molybdenum, and the rare earths .
Processing of silica sands provides a good example of the response of minerals to magnetic and electrostatic fields. A generalized flowsheet for separating the mineral constituents of beach sands is shown in Figure 2 . It will be seen that the separation is essentially based on the differences in the magnetic properties and in the electrical conductivity of the various minerals present in the beach sands. The behaviour of some typical beach sand minerals, as for instance magnetite, ilmenite, garnet, monazite, rutile, zircon, and quartz, in respect of their responses towards magnetic and electrostatic separators. A reference is also drawn to Figure 3 which exclusively shows flotation playing the centrally important role in leadzinc concentration.
A schematic flowsheet for molybdenum recovery from porphyry coppers is shown in Figure 4. Here the important role is played by flotation. The first stage involves collective flotation of copper and molybdenum. The floated product is upgraded through two or three cleaning flotations. Finally, molybdenum is recovered by depressing copper values. In order to depress a mineral, some kind of oxidation should be implied on its surface, or residual flotation reagents are completely destroyed. The removal of residual flotation reagents can be accomplished either by heat (steam treatment or roasting), or by chemical means (oxidizing reagents). Molybdenum remains essentially inert to these treatments, unlike copper minerals. The rougher flotation which follows thermal/chemical oxidation step yields molyconcentrate and depresses copper values to join as tails.
The current rare earths resources are the base minerals, monazite, xenotime, and bastnasite. The processing flowsheet of the mineral-bearing beach sand in Thailand is shown in Figure 5 (A). The flowsheet for processing bastnasite mined from Mountain Pass in California is shown in Figure 5 (B), and that proposed for concentrating rare earths in the beneficiation plant of Baotou in China is shown in Figure 5 (C). It is seen that flotation prominently figures in the two flowsheets Figure 5 (B) and (C).
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Mineral processing unit operation and examples