The Slurry Line
Slurry pumps are
important being the energy source in all hydraulic systems for slurry handling.
However, the slurry pumps are mainly just energy converters in the systems
(converting electric energy to hydraulic flows). Equally important is to design
“the slurry line” with the correct sizing of hoses (or pipes) including
• Hose lay-out
geometry (vertical and horizontal) needed for the transportation job
• Hose material
giving resistance to the wear and to the chemical environment
• Hose diameter
enabling maximum efficiency of the slurry system
Hoses are for
slurry handling what conveyor belts are for dry materials handling. Simple
products –
which just have to maintain their functions. Otherwise the process flow will be
interrupted and the up-time is gone.
There is just
one rule for lay-outs of slurry hoses and pipes, but a golden one.
“ Never use sharp bends when connecting them hydraulically! ”
• Every
slurry handling system needs proper hosing.
Carrying velocity in the hose must exceed the settling velocity.
• Too
high carrying velocity means increased power and wear.
• To
balance the optimum slurry speed with the correct hose diameter is important.